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Building Strong Homes: Blueprints to Strengthen Your Faith and Family podcast

Feb 21, 2023

After the death of her brother and son in the same month, Amy Debrucque understandably struggled privately with severe anxiety. It would take a cancer diagnosis 14 years later for her to finally lean into her faith and surrender the burden of fear. She learned that although fear is normal, courage gets the final say....

Losing the Weight That Matters with Jenn Mair and Julie Bagwell

Feb 7, 2023

For years Jenn Mair struggled with body image issues. She believed the lies that had been spoken to her by others and our culture, "you are too much" or "you are not enough." This kicked in an eating disorder and addiction to working out. For years, she felt like she could never measure up to what the world defined...

Feb 7, 2023

For years Jenn Mair struggled with body image issues. She believed the lies that had been spoken to her by others and our culture, "you are too much" or "you are not enough." This kicked in an eating disorder and addiction to working out. For years, she felt like she could never measure up to what the world defined...