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Building Strong Homes: Blueprints to Strengthen Your Faith and Family podcast

Jun 11, 2024

I’ve really struggled to put into words all that I wanted to say to you today because the last few months have been difficult for me as I’ve been seeking what God wants me to do with the podcast. I’ve been doing this for 3-1/2 years now and have recently been in a deep season of discouragement. As I prayed and continually asked God what my next steps should be, I only sensed silence from Him. I’ve gone through seasons of silence before, but this has been especially hard because I wanted to make sure I was being obedient to what God wanted me to do, not just put out a podcast to build my own, or anyone else’s, platform.

To be honest, I’ve been so discouraged that I had pretty much decided I was going to shut it all down. And to be completely honest, podcasting can be lonely and discouraging. When I couldn’t see a direction to where God was leading, I just wanted to throw in the towel. In this episode I will share what God has been showing me recently, an update of what's going on with my family and my plans for the future of the podcast.

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